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The ultimate guide to employee engagement surveys

A how-to guide for running and acting on your next employee engagement survey.

“ There’s going after top talent, and then there’s going after top talent within highly-competitive industries. “

Whilst your competitors are talking about ping pong tables and free office snacks that appeal to everyone (but are really just table stakes), you can focus on the things that will turn the heads of your ideal candidates.

So, what does this approach look like exactly? What is it that recruiters need to do to grab the attention of the cream of the industry crop? We happen to help recruitment teams across 49 countries (and counting), attract and hire the best talent around every day. How do we/they do it?

First up, you’ve got to change your shoes. That’s right, leave your tired, but trusty Size 6s or 10s at the door, and swap them for your candidates’ shoes.

Step 1: Find out where your candidates spend time

As obvious as it may sound, put yourself in your candidates’ shoes. You need to understand where they spend their time online, what they read, and what social media channels they use. There’s no point advertising for chefs on LinkedIn if they’re spending all their time on Facebook.

Then, once you’ve identified their favourite channels and platforms, think about how you’re going to use them to get your message in front of the right subset of the market, at the right time.

Step 2: Get the conversation started

Do you know what makes your candidates tick? What they perceive as an immediate no-no, and what’s likely to turn their head and pique their interest?

As well as thinking about where candidates spend their time, it’s important you’re also clear on their wants and needs, especially that all-important question – ‘What’s actually going to compel them to want to have a conversation with you in the first place?’ It’s a simple question, we know, but is it one (hand on heart) you can confidently answer right now?

Step 3: Pay attention to your brand

Great, you’ve got their attention! But, oh, wait a minute. It’s gone. Just like that. You’ve hustled hard to reel them in, don’t let your efforts go to waste in the blink of an eye.

While you’ve got your thinking hat on, consider how you’re going to showcase your employer brand and communicate your EVP so that it resonates with candidates and they’re incentivized to continue that all-important dialogue with you. (For inspiration on showcasing your brand read, ‘Top employer branding examples of 2020.’)

And think about how you’re going to capture that interest. Something as simple as having to create an account on your careers site before being able to apply, or an application form that doesn’t play nicely on mobile, could be causing you to hemorrhage candidates.

How to go from perfect first touchpoint to perfect follow-up dialogue

We get that what you’re offering may not immediately set people’s world alight. You may not have the most ridiculous starting salary that knocks all of the other salary offerings out of the park. But you may be able to offer a better work-life balance, greater flexibility, a nurturing culture and perks, such as a free gym membership and duvet days.

These are the things that are going to help compel candidates to gravitate towards you. But they aren’t going to know about these positives unless they’re reflected on the likes of Glassdoor, in your Employee Value Proposition, and in your outreach messaging. So that when you do win their attention, it’s not immediately lost.

Good luck, you’ve totally got this.

One response

  1. Bella Avatar

    The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested.

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